A Karthago berágott, perli az MSZP-t!
A Szigeti Ferenc vezette Karthago zenekar nem repes az ingyenreklámtól, amit az MSZP-től kapott. Perrel fenyegetőzik a régen nagy sikereket magáénak tudó banda.
A zenekar azt sérelmezi közösségi oldalán, hogy az engedélyük nélkül, az eredeti szám üzenetétől eltérő módon, kampánycélra használták fel Requiem című dalukat. A zenekar szerint az egész már csak azért is rendkívül ízléstelen, mert ők mindig is távol tartották magukat a politikától, a dal ráadásul egy tragikus eset miatt, egy koncertjükön meghalt fiú emlékére született.
Ez a változat húzta ki a gyufát Szigeti Ferencéknél:
Szigeti szerint az MSZP megbízásából az Elios-ügyre utalva írták át a dalt, a Requiemből Békemenet Requiem-et fabrikálva, többek közt az „ugye, eljössz még” kezdetű refrént „Ugye Elios még”-re változtatva, a klipben a dal mögé pedig a békemenetes szervezők mellett a volt Elios-tulajdonosnak, Tiborcz Istvánnak, a miniszterelnök vejének a képe került. Aki meghallgatná az eredetit:
A Karthago közleményének teljes szövege:
Ezúton szeretnénk tájékoztatni a kedves Facebook közösséget, hogy napokban, az MSZP által közzétett kampányvideóhoz, amelyen a Requiem c. dalunk politikai kampánycélú, vicces „átdolgozása” hallható, a KARTHAGO együttesnek semmilyen köze nincs!! Nem mi játsszuk, nem mi énekeljük.
Mélységesen fel vagyunk háborodva, a saját szellemi termékünk és szellemi tulajdonunk ilyen pofátlan ellopása és jogtalan megváltoztatása miatt! Elhatárolódunk továbbá az eredeti zene és a szöveg ilyen jellegű, egyértelműen politikai célú felhasználásától és főleg teljes kiforgatásától, ezt egyetlen pártnak sem engedtük volna meg soha!!
Szeretnénk hangsúlyozni, hogy részünkről ez nem politikai állásfoglalás.
A törvények nem betartása, a személyiségi és tulajdonjogok törvényi védelmének figyelmen kívül hagyása, ilyen öncélú felhasználása alapvetően teljesen jogtalan, szerzői jogilag abszolút jogsértő, ez pedig semmiféle párt részéről nem megengedett! Engedélyt erre tőlünk nem kértek és nem is kaptak!
A KARTHAGO együttes tudatosan mindig is távol tartotta magát közvetlen napi politikától, ezt pedig ezután is szeretnénk fenntartani.
Az átdolgozás pedig amiatt is végtelenül ízléstelen, mert készítői nem vették figyelembe, hogy ez a gyönyörű, nemzetközileg is elismert, Ausztriában fesztiváldíjas, sőt aranylemezes, legendás dal, egy requiem, azaz egy koncerten meghalt fiú emlékére született!! Ezzel most, annak a meghalt fiúnak az emlékét is megcsúfolták, megalázták!
Felszólítjuk az érdekelteket, hogy azonnal vonják vissza, állítsák le a felhasználást és vegyék le a videót, mert a szükséges jogi lépéseket megtesszük.
Ennek egyértelmű jogi alapja, a Szerzői Jogról szóló, 1999 évi LXXVI. Törvény (hatályos 2015.07.16.-tól) és különösen annak 13. és 29. paragrafusa!
A KARTHAGO együttes nevében Szigeti Ferenc zenekarvezető, a Requiem szerzője.”
Az MSZP is közleményt adott ki
Az MSZP-nek nincs köze a Karthago együttes Requiem című dalának átírásához. A Fidesznek nem kell segítség ahhoz, hogy bohócot csináljon magából, lásd: Németh Szilárd, Kósa Lajos, Semjén Zsolt.
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2024.07.24 02:25 at 02:25
A Karthago berágott, perli az MSZP-t! | Városi Kurír
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2024.07.24 08:11 at 08:11
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2024.07.24 11:11 at 11:11
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2024.07.24 14:53 at 14:53
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2024.07.26 20:27 at 20:27
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2024.07.28 21:31 at 21:31
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2024.07.29 12:39 at 12:39
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2024.07.29 17:42 at 17:42
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2024.07.30 00:12 at 00:12
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2024.07.30 11:08 at 11:08
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2024.08.01 00:29 at 00:29
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2024.08.01 07:43 at 07:43
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2024.08.01 11:24 at 11:24
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2024.08.01 23:55 at 23:55
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2024.08.02 08:37 at 08:37
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2024.08.02 12:14 at 12:14
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2024.08.03 13:40 at 13:40
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2024.08.08 03:29 at 03:29
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2024.08.09 00:58 at 00:58
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2024.08.09 15:37 at 15:37
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2024.08.10 11:02 at 11:02
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2024.08.14 09:03 at 09:03
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2024.08.14 12:09 at 12:09
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2024.08.14 21:41 at 21:41
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2024.08.15 09:18 at 09:18
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Parallel Twin Screw Extruder
Sexy Lingerie
2024.08.16 06:24 at 06:24
Seamless Gym Underwear
Women High-Quality Fleece Oversized Sweatshirt and Sweatpants Two Piece Comfortable Streetwear Fashion Tracksuits
FRP Outdoor Leisure Facilities
FRP SMC Products
Shapewear For Slim Body
GRP Pipe
Beige Hoodie Women's Sets Crewneck Sweatshirt and Joggers Women's Winter Clothes Custom 2024 Fashion
Chic Pink Zip-up Hoodie for Women with Front Pockets Comfortable Fleece Casual Winter Jacket Streetwear Fashion Top
Women's Fleece Hoodies with Bear Ears Unisex Oversized Winter Pullover Custom Logo Embroidery Soft
Women's Teal Zip-Up Hoodie High-Quality Cotton Comfort Fit for Casual Style and Sportswear Custom Logo Available
FRP Pipe
Sexy Lingerie
4-Herbicide Safener Ad-67
2024.08.16 13:39 at 13:39
Cotton Tshirts Customizable Women's Personal Design Top Black T-Shirt For Women – For Personalized Designs And Logos
Wooden Swedish ladder
MPP power pipe equipment
Casual Solid Color Men's Tee with Curved Hem and Minimalist Design Breathable Cotton Fabric
Plate Loaded Vertical Seated Chest Press Machine
Glyphosate Pesticide
Fashionable Loose-Fit Tee with Graphic – Women's Casual Cotton T-Shirt
Zvr Bf Df
Intelligent Dual Arm Machine
High Quality Customizable 100% Cotton Men's T-Shirt – Personalized Comfort Fit Apparel Screen-printable Tee
Cas 37764-25-3
Stair Climber Machine
Quality Cotton Custom Logo Casual Essential T-shirts For Men with Sleeve Logo – For Personalized Branding
4-Herbicide Safener Ad-67
irrigation pipe
2024.08.16 18:47 at 18:47
Automotive Wire Connectors
12-20mm cylindrical dripper irrigation pipe
wpc machine
Custom OEM & ODM Two-Tone Raglan Sleeve T-Shirt for Men – Sporty Baseball Tee
wood plastic machine
Vibrant Tie-Dye Cotton T-Shirt with Custom Logo Option Relaxed Fit for Street Fashion Ideal for Trendy Summer Casual Wear
Automotive Battery Connectors
Auto Connector Pins
Men's Solid Polo Shirt High-Quality Material Regular Fit Classic Collared Neckline Casual Wear Or Sports Durable And Comfortable
Custom OEM & ODM Classic Blue Crew-Neck T-Shirt for Men – Breathable Cotton Summer Wear
Vibrant Royal Blue Cotton T-Shirt for Men – Perfect for Casual Wear or Custom Branding with a Comfortable and Stylish Fit
Auto Cable Connectors
Car Connector Pins
wpc decking machine
irrigation pipe
PE PP Profile Machine
2024.08.17 05:03 at 05:03
High Quality White Plain Premium Cotton Men's T-shirt for Custom Branding – Casual Fit & Breathable Fabric
China Construction Plywood and Waterproof Plywood
PVC Profile Machine
China Spc Floor and Flooring
Men's Casual Button-Down Shirt with Red Tropical Floral and Tribal Print Black Base – Hawaiian Aloha Style
solid hardwood flooring unfinished hardwood flooring
T Shirts Manufacturer Outdoor Eco-Friendly Green Cotton T-shirt for Men – Ready For Your Unique Design Touch
Pressed Wood Flooring
Custom OEM & ODM High Quality Olive Green Over sized T-Shirt For Men – Relaxed Street Style High Comfort Pure Cotton
Custom OEM & ODM Men's Graphic Horror Monster Printed Tee with Vintage Comic Style Artwork
Plastic Profile Extrusion Machine
Packing Strap Machine
PE PP PPR Pipe Production Line
Die Cast Cantilever Connector Fitting
PE PP Profile Machine
Speckled Grey Hoodie for Men with Custom Colorful Accents Soft Cotton Oversized Streetwear Sweatshirt
2024.08.17 16:14 at 16:14
Men's Fashion Hoodie in Muted Taupe Premium Cotton Streetwear Oversized with Kangaroo Pocket Casual Essentials
Used Ladies Long Silk Skirt
Fashion-Forward Crop Top Hoodie – Women's Cotton Sweatshirt Y2K Aesthetic Chic Streetwear Piece
Used Ladies Long Cotton Skirt
Used Ladies Short Cotton Dress
Used Ladies Long Cotton Dress
Nylon Coil Zipper Chain
High-Quality Cotton Oversized Hoodies Unisex Solid Color Streetwear Essentials Sweatshirts Clothing Men Wholesale Custom
Metal Teeth Zipper
Nylon Zipper With Reflective O/E A/L
Acid Wash Black Hoodie Men's Cotton Oversized Streetwear Essentials High-Quality Plain Sweatshirts Unisex Vintage
Nylon Coil Zipper Slider Replacement
Nylon Zipper Sizes
Used Ladies' Silk Dress
Speckled Grey Hoodie for Men with Custom Colorful Accents Soft Cotton Oversized Streetwear Sweatshirt
Plate 316l
2024.08.18 23:03 at 23:03
Automatic Sliding Door with Dunker Motor
Solid Color
Cutting Stainless Steel Rod
Men's Humorous Graphic T-Shirt with Sloth
Sliding Function Door
304 Perforated Stainless Steel Sheet
Stainless Steel Strip、304 Stainless Steel Strip、430 Stainless Steel Strip、Ss Strip Coil、Stainless Steel Coil Strip
Porta Deslizante Automatica
Men's Full Zip Up Hoodie Purple with White Star Pattern Heavyweight Sweatshirt
Automatic Sliding Photocell Door
Sliding Remote Door
Mirror Polished Stainless Steel Flat Bar
Navy Blue Hoodie Men's – Heavyweight Streetwear Pullover Sweatshirt
Olive Full Zip Hoodie with Cross Detail – Men's Heavyweight Outerwear
Plate 316l
2024.08.20 16:38 at 16:38
VN88 da xuat hien va phat trien tren thi truong ca cuoc tu nam 2019 den nay, tich luy duoc gan 4 nam kinh nghiem hoat dong.Tu ngay khi ra mat, VN88 da nhan duoc su danh gia cao va su ua chuong cua dong dao nguoi choi, chinh nho chat luong hang dau vao nam 2023.
Website: https://vn88-vn.com/
1018 Cold Rolled Steel
2024.08.21 05:26 at 05:26
Galvanized Metal Strips
8 Iron
White Cotton T-Shirt with Centralized Logo Print for Casual Wear
Galvanised Mild Steel
7 Iron
Women T shirts Solid Loose Crop Top Navy Blue Cropped T-Shirt – Casual Chic Cotton Streetwear Top For Women
6 Iron
& Casual Urban Wear
Steel Pipe
9 Iron
Sleeveless White Tank Top with Ribbed Texture for Sporty Chic Look
Heather Grey Fitted T-Shirt for Women Comfortable Daily Wear
Galvanized Steel Coil Manufacturers
5 Golf Iron
1018 Cold Rolled Steel
Wooden Ball Pen
2024.08.21 11:01 at 11:01
Wholesale Plain White T-Shirts Custom Logo Cotton T-Shirt For Women – Personalized Branding Tee
Color Gel Pen set
Custom made Sublimation women shirts High Quality Stylish Round Neck Short Sleeve women's breathable T Shirts
Skew Rolling Mill
Elegant White Draped T-Shirt for Women – Flowy Comfort Fit Contemporary Chic Style
Faded Black Oversized Tee with White Logo – Women's Casual Cotton Shirt
Standard Gel Pen
Modern Cropped High-Neck Top for Women – White Contemporary Street Fashion Versatile Wear
Smelting Equipment
Metal Melting Furnace
Tandem Mill
Mini Rolling Mill
Glitter Gel Pen
Various Colors Refills Ballpoint Pen
Wooden Ball Pen
Full Zip Up Hoodie Men's 2024 Plain White High-Quality Anti-Shrink Jacket for Streetwear Customizable Clothing
2024.08.21 14:25 at 14:25
Long Fur Vest Womens
Vinyl Eraser
Men's Pullover Hoodie in Light Blue Soft Cotton Comfortable Relaxed Fit Breathable Athleisure Essential Modern Casualwear
Carpenter Pencil
Fur Scarf Stole
Mechanical Pencil
Fur Muffler Scarf
Wooden Pencil
Fur Cosmetic Bags
Eternal Pencil
Urban Essentials Men's Zip-Up Hoodie with Unique Split Graphic Print Heavyweight Comfort for Winter Casual
Men's Hoodie with Artisan Drawstring Design Cozy Pullover Style Breathable Cotton Blend Adjustable Hood Perfect
Girls Fur Vest
Full Zip Up Hoodie Men's 2024 Plain White High-Quality Anti-Shrink Jacket for Streetwear Customizable Clothing
2024.08.21 20:09 at 20:09
Ultra High Power
High Speed Paper Bowl Machine
High Conductive Electrode
Automatic Paper Bowl Machine
Salad Bowl Machine
Ultra High Power Graphite Electrodes
Rp 300 Graphite
Paper Bowl Machine
Disposable Paper Bowl Machine
High Power Graphite Electrode
ラグジュアリーセンス (Ragujuarī Sensu)
wpc pavilion making machine
2024.08.22 07:44 at 07:44
Flange Hex Nut
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
10.9 Hex Bolt
Square Head Nut
Hex Bolt And Nut
wpc extruder machine
PP PE film granulation machine
PP PE film granulation extrusion line
PP PE film granulation production line
Stainless Steel Anchor
wpc pavilion making machine
2024.08.23 16:19 at 16:19
PVC Pipe Production Line
Street Drain Cover
Large Manhole Cover
WPC Board Making Machine
Plastic Pipe Extrusion Machine
Composite Manhole Covers
Pipe Used Of A Drainage System
Cast Iron Pipes And Fittings
Irrigation Pipe Production Line
WPC Auxiliary Processing Machine
2024.08.24 05:56 at 05:56
Pipe Joint Flange
Flange Wind Turbine
ラグジュアリーアイテム (Ragujuarī Aitemu)
43mm Composite Wood Door
Aluminum Sliding Doors
Slip Weld Flange
エリートコレクション (Erito Korekushon)
Aluminum Doors
プレミアムスタイル (Puremiamu Sutairu)
ラグジュアリーチョイス (Ragujuarī Choisu)
48mm Composite Wood Door
Flange Threaded Type
セレクトブランド (Serekuto Burando)
Aluminum Swing Doors
Flange Of Pipe
25mm Brass Fittings
2024.08.25 12:55 at 12:55
Winter Velcro Strap Platform Snow Boots
10mm Brass Compression Fittings
Women's Middle Shaft Suede Leather Platform Snow Boots
Check Valve
Women's Basic Snow Boots With Memory Foam
Brass 4 Way Tee
Brass Connectors Plumbing
Women's Genuine Suede Ankle Snow Boots
Women's Button Genuine Suede Snow Boots
25mm Brass Fittings
ブランドエレガンス (Burando Eregansu)
2024.08.25 18:59 at 18:59
ファッションラバーズ (Fasshon Rabāzu)
Papyrus Straw Hat
プレミアムスタイル (Puremiamu Sutairu)
Raffia Women's Straw Hat
Multicoloured Hoodie
エリートコレクション (Erito Korekushon)
Industrial Printer
Printing Digital Machine
Multicoloured Design Face Mask
Ceramic Tile Printing Machine
Outdoors Fashion Face Mask
ラグジュアリーセンス (Ragujuarī Sensu)
Wall Printing Machine
Flat Bed Printer Uv
ブランドエレガンス (Burando Eregansu)
Lotion Boxes
2024.08.27 09:16 at 09:16
Ca Si
Calcium Silicon Slag
Ferro Silicon Block
Ferro Silicon 72%
Steelmaking Material CaSi
Lip Balm Boxes
Lipstick Boxes
Empty Magnetic Eyeshadow Boxes
Mascara Boxes
Lotion Boxes
Marine Bollard
2024.08.29 08:51 at 08:51
Universal Ac Computer Power Cord
Marine Chocks
Ac Power Cord For Tv
2 Pin Switzerland Plug Power Cords
Marine Fairlead
2 Pin Ac Power Cord
エレガントリュクス (Ereganto Ryukusu)
Chain Stopper
Marine Door and Window
Ac Line Cord
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
Marine Bollard
2024.08.29 11:59 at 11:59
Customized HVAC Fabrication
Air Conditioner
Clay Poker Chip Sets
Commercial Air Conditioner
エレガントリュクス (Ereganto Ryukusu)
Poker Chips Company
Automatic Card Shuffler Target
Holland Casino Fiches
Transparent Card Shoe
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
Water to Water Heat Pump
Light Commercial Air Conditioner
Block Heels For Women
2024.08.30 14:49 at 14:49
Comfort Shoes For Women
Espadrille Sandals
DIN 6798J Internal Serrated Lock Washers
DIN 6797A External Lock Washers
Moon Boots For Women
DIN 6795 Grounding Washers
Womens Cowgirl Boots
DIN 6798DD External Internal Serrated Lock Washers
DIN 6798A External Serrated Lock Washers
Block Heels For Women
Soft Pvc High Speed Door
2024.08.30 20:19 at 20:19
High Speed Pvc Roller Shutter Doors
Warehouse Fast Speed Roller Shutter Door
144hz 1ms 1080p Monitor
1440p Va Monitor
144hz 1440p Ips Monitor
1440p Ips Monitor
4k 144hz monitor
Aluminum Spiral Rapid Door
Automatic Pvc High Speed Door
Soft Pvc High Speed Door
Sports Insoles For Children
2024.08.31 02:08 at 02:08
Orthotics Insoles For Children Mild Flat Foot
Self Adhesive Hdpe Price
Smooth HDPE Geomembrane
Orthotics Insoles For Children Heavy Flat Foot
Epdm Pond Liner Distributor
Epdm Liner Sheet
EVA Homogeneous
Orthotics Insoles For Children High Arch
Flannel Orthotics Insoles For Children Mild Flat Foot
Sports Insoles For Children
Tire Curing Press Vulcanization Process
2024.08.31 12:31 at 12:31
1 Inch Grinding Ball
Tire Building Process
Tire Tread Production Line
Tire Building Machine
Steel Balls For Mining
Forged Grinding Media
Steel Grinding Ball 50mm
Ball Mill Operation
Steel Wire Apex Rubber Production Line
Tire Curing Press Vulcanization Process
Office 2021 Home & Student
2024.09.02 12:36 at 12:36
Windows 10 Product Key
Plastic Connector Mold for Communication
Plastic Connector Mold for Consumer Electronics
Transparent Fiberglass Cloth Suppliers
Win 10 Home
Microsoft Office Home And Student 2021 Download
Precision Machining for Connector Components
Precision Machining for LED Components
Plastic Connector Mold for Automotive
Office 2021 Home & Student
ブランドエレガンス (Burando Eregansu)
2024.09.02 23:14 at 23:14
プレミアムスタイル (Puremiamu Sutairu)
Sodium Citrate Is
ラグジュアリーセンス (Ragujuarī Sensu)
Narrow Frame Single Glass Bathroom Aluminum Door
ファッションラバーズ (Fasshon Rabāzu)
Narrow Frame Triple Stacking Sliding Door
Narrow Frame Sliding Door
Sodium Citrate Liquid
Aluminum Sliding Door
プレミアムスタイル (Premium Style)
Soda Ash Dense Use
Insulating Glass Aluminum Bathroom Door
Citric Acid And Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide Powder
ブランドエレガンス (Burando Eregansu)
Set of 13 Makeup Brush
2024.09.03 14:29 at 14:29
Cushion Hair Brush
Rooftop Air Conditioner
Refrigerated Van Compressor
Prius Electric Ac Compressor
Professional Powder Brush
Curly Hair Brush
12v Electric Ac Compressor
Mini Massage Hair Brush
Refrigerated Truck
Set of 13 Makeup Brush
2024.09.05 00:40 at 00:40
Applications Of Hard Magnetic Materials
4 in 1 Makeup Brush
Magnetics Corporation
All Magnet
Professional Powder Brush
Blush Makeup Brush
Applications Of Hard Magnetic Materials
Chain Magnets
Holographic Waist Bag
Double Ended Contour Makeup Brush
2024.09.05 04:25 at 04:25
Set of 13 Makeup Brush
Lace Fabric
Satin Ribbon
Yuchai 500kva Diesel Generator With Rain Canopy
Ribbon With Logo
4 in 1 Makeup Brush
Professional Powder Brush
Jeans Buttons
Double Ended Contour Makeup Brush
Cushion Hair Brush
Curly Hair Brush
2024.09.05 07:59 at 07:59
Cushion Hair Brush
Mini Massage Hair Brush
Professional Powder Brush
Grid Connected Pv System Matlab
Glass Fiber Fabric
Set of 13 Makeup Brush
Bipv Solar Panels
A Photovoltaic Cell
Indoor Solar Cells
Curly Hair Brush
Rapid Malaria Antigen Test
2024.09.05 11:30 at 11:30
Rainbow Hair Comb Set
Rapid Strep
Curly Hair Brush
エリートコレクション (Erito Korekushon)
China Vet Laboratory
エレガントファッション (Ereganto Fasshon)
Plastic Hair Brush
Mini Massage Hair Brush
Cushion Hair Brush
セレクトブランド (Serekuto Burando)
Blood Glucose Monitor Readings
ラグジュアリーアイテム (Ragujuarī Aitemu)
ラグジュアリーチョイス (Ragujuarī Choisu)
China Veterinary Lab Tests
Rapid Malaria Antigen Test
Steel C Channel Sizes
2024.09.06 03:41 at 03:41
Double Wall Vacuum Mug
3 Pack Toiletry Bag
Square Shape Handle Makeup Bag
Train Rail Steel
Printed Cold Tumbler
Clear Makeup Bag For Women
Simple Design Travel Bag
Attractive Waterproof Toiletry Bag
Thermos Cup Stainless Steel
Steel C Channel Sizes
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
2024.09.07 04:15 at 04:15
Otg Connector
Otg Type C
Reusable Lunch Bag
Micro Usb To Usb C
Hair Brush
エレガントリュクス (Ereganto Ryukusu)
Cosmetic Bag
Felt Tote Shopping Bag
Cotton Tote Mesh Bag
Type C To Usb Adapter
Usb C Cord
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
Ups Battery Backup 24 Hours
2024.09.07 11:09 at 11:09
Cotton Tote Mesh Bag
ups lihtium battery
Blush Makeup Brush
Battery Specialist
battery ventures
ups power supply
4 in 1 Makeup Brush
Beach Storage Bag
Holographic Waist Bag
Ups Battery Backup 24 Hours
Double Ended Contour Makeup Brush
2024.09.07 15:31 at 15:31
4 in 1 Makeup Brush
Rfid Smart Lock
Rf Card Hotel Lock
Professional Powder Brush
Honglg Hotel Lock
Holographic Waist Bag
Hune Hotel Lock
Hotel Inductive Door Lock
Blush Makeup Brush
Double Ended Contour Makeup Brush
Professional Powder Brush
2024.09.08 07:58 at 07:58
Set of 13 Makeup Brush
Blush Makeup Brush
Anti-Explosive Device
Non-Magnetic Tool
4 in 1 Makeup Brush
Ir Video Inspection Camera
Baggage Scanner Machine
Double Ended Contour Makeup Brush
Auto Surveillance Cameras
Professional Powder Brush
LED Portable 30W Outdoor Work Flood Light
2024.09.10 08:42 at 08:42
Portable LED Work Light with 20W Cree LED
Armoured Cable Joint Kit
ブランドアイコン (Burando Aikon)
Cable Termination Heat Shrinkage
Portable 40W Epistar LED Flood Work Light
Laminated Filter
30W Compact Portable LED Work Light
Portable Industrial LED Work Light
Cold Shrink Terminal
10KV Joints Cable Termination
エレガントリュクス (Ereganto Ryukusu)
LED Portable 30W Outdoor Work Flood Light
2024.09.11 10:32 at 10:32
Car Front Spring
Small Extension Springs
Check Valve
Pressure Valve
Proportional Valves
Directional Valve
Small Stainless Steel Compression Springs
Racing Engines Valve Spring
Directional Control Valve
Galvanized Torsion Springs
Bamboo Joint Vibrating Dildo
2024.09.12 09:09 at 09:09
Thrusting Vibrator
Stainless Steel Circular Screener
Vibrating Sifter Equipment
Neon LED Strip Light RGB
Milk Powder Vibro Sifter
Ultr-long Thrusting Suction Cup Vibrator
Plastic Granule Sieve Machine
Sand Vibrating Sieve Separator
Large Vibrating Dildo
Bamboo Joint Vibrating Dildo
Silicone Vibrating Glans Trainer
2024.09.14 05:28 at 05:28
Teflon Tapes
Teflon Coating
Double Layered Suction Cup Dildo
Liquid Silicone Penis Trainer
Colorful Silicone Dildo
Teflon Coated Fabric
Ptfe Seamless Belt
Double Layered Realistic Dildo
Ptfe Sheet
Silicone Vibrating Glans Trainer
LED Portable 30W Outdoor Work Flood Light
2024.09.14 13:17 at 13:17
Baby Car Mirror Activity
Portable 50W LED Floodlight with BS Sockets
Portable 30W LED Floodlight with Duty Stand
Baby Car Mirror No Headrest
Portable 20W LED Floodlight with Duty Stand
baby harness pads
Portable Industrial LED Work Light
2 in 1 head support
Stroller Sun Shade
LED Portable 30W Outdoor Work Flood Light
Coaxial RF D-Sub Connectors
2024.09.14 20:14 at 20:14
Water Proof D-Sub Connectors
Inline Blower
Industrial Air Blower
Dual Port D-Sub Connectors
High Density D-Sub Connectors
Centrifugal Fans And Blowers
Industrial Heater Blower
Fan Blade Puller
Combination D-Sub Connectors
Coaxial RF D-Sub Connectors
Cage Welding Machine for Concrete Pipe
2024.09.17 19:37 at 19:37
Multi-layers film blowing machine
Batching Plant Concrete Mixer
Machine For Plastic
Concrete Pipe Press Machine
Vertical RCC Pipe Making Machine
Multilayer Extrusion
Cage Welder
Hdpe Blow Molding Machine
Multi Layer Extrusion
Cage Welding Machine for Concrete Pipe
Double-Points Thumping Rabbit Vibrator
2024.09.18 03:13 at 03:13
G-spot Thumping Rabbit Vibrator
Pvc Board Wall
Pvc Installation
Realistic Rotating Rabbit Vibrator
Pvc Panel Decoration
Clitoral Suction Vibrator
Thrusting Rotating Rabbit Vibrator
Easy Wall Panels
Plastic Wall
Double-Points Thumping Rabbit Vibrator
25x52x15 Bearing
2024.09.18 12:50 at 12:50
High Carbon Steel Garden Pruning Shears
6206 Bearing
SK5 Aluminum Gardening Pruning Shears
Aluminum Alloy Lightweight Garden Shears
6004 Bearing
6202 2rs Bearing
Radial Ball Bearing
Stainless Steel Garden Pruning Shears
Safe Lightweight Garden Pruning Shears
25x52x15 Bearing
2024.09.18 18:31 at 18:31
600W Photovoltaic Solar Module
White Foldable Camping Box
260W Solar Panel
360W Solar Panel
1000W Solar Panel
Divided Serving Tray With Tableware
Divided Serving Tray Made By PET
Grass Green Foldable Camping Box
500W Solar PV Panel
White Folding Camping Box
2024.09.19 18:05 at 18:05
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Standing Seam Metal Roof Machine
B Decking Roll Forming Machine
Metal Roof Making Machine
Rain Gutter Making Machine
Adenosine Nucleotide
Rolling Shutter Machine
Toroidal Inductor Coil
2024.09.21 02:53 at 02:53
Inductor Coil
LED Light Strip SMD5050 12V
Air Core Inductor
LED Light Strip 3535 12V
Chip Common Mode Chokes Inductor
LED Light Strip SMD5050 24V
LED Light Strip 3535 5V
LED Light Strip 3535 24V
PCB Transformer
Toroidal Inductor Coil
خردکن برسادیس
2024.09.22 00:33 at 00:33
Thanks very nice blog!
2024.09.22 06:28 at 06:28
Wind Generator Systems
Offshore Turbines
2kw Wind Turbine
Directional Valve
Directional Valve
Check Valve
Offshore Turbines
Thorny Vibrating Dildo
Wearable Vibrating Dildo
Urban Wind Turbine
Elevator For Destoner
2024.09.22 10:01 at 10:01
Clitoral Petting Vibrator Rabbit Dildo
Rotating Rabbit Vibrator Dildo
Premium Disposable Cutlery
China Bean Cleaning Line
Concrete Pipe Machine
Concrete Pipe Making Machine
Roller Return
Suspension Roller Concrete Pipe Making Machine
Surface Lapping
Elevator For Destoner
2024.09.22 14:06 at 14:06
COB Strip 3000K 12V
LED Light Strip 3535 24V
(R)-8-Chloro-1-Methyl-2,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-1h-Benzo[D]Azepine Hydrochloride
LED Light Strip 3535 12V
COB Strip 3000K 24V
Do Ketone Esters Work
Functional nutrition with smart choices for optimal aging
COB Strip 3000K 5V
H Beam
2024.09.22 19:33 at 19:33
Bed Slats
Roll Forming Machine
Portable Solar Power Bank Jump Starter
Scaffold Board
Roll Forming Machine
Portable Solar Power Station Inverter LED Work Light
Metal Roofing Machine
H Beam
سرخ کن برسادیس
2024.09.23 00:51 at 00:51
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China Mild Steel Seamless Pipe
2024.09.23 08:07 at 08:07
Pink Multi-layer Medicine Storage Box
Stainless Steel Square Pipe
Stainless Steel 304 Pipe
Sealed Cans
China Decorative and Plate
Drink Holder
White Multi-layer Medicine Storage Box
Stackable Storage Container Set
China Carbon Steel Pipe
China Mild Steel Seamless Pipe
2024.09.23 16:45 at 16:45
Bike Bearings
Throttle Check Valve DRV
Anti-Rust Bearings
Throttle Valve
2-Way Flow Control Valve
Throttle Valve DV
Power Tools Bearing
Spherical Plain Spherical Plain Bearings
FD Check-Q-Meter Valve
Pump Bearings
2024.09.24 14:28 at 14:28
Pruning Shears With Forged Handle
Sharp Gardening Pruning Shears
Carbon Steel Heavy Duty Garden Shears
Nutrition Supplements
Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide
Portable Carbon Steel Garden Pruning Shears
Sk5 Garden Pruning Shears
U Channel Aluminum Extrusion
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