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Mi a közös Marsi Anikóban és Demcsák Zsuzsában?


Rájár a rúd a tévébemondónőkre! Nemrég Demcsák Zsuzsa viselkedett finoman szólva furán a kamerák tüzében, most Marsi Anikónak akadozott a nyelve. Mi lehet a rohamosan terjedő kór mögött?


Egy hónapja attól volt hangos a média, hogy Demcsák Zsuzsa nem éppen illő állapotban ült be műsort vezetni. Meg is lett az eredménye: azonnali hatállyal letiltották és nem sokkal később mennie kellett csatornájától.

Hétfőn Marsi Anikó volt megszólalásig hasonló állapotban. A TV2 híradósa furcsa gesztikulálás közepette, akadozó nyelvvel olvasta fel az előre megírt szöveget a súgógépről.

Persze több sem kellett a rossznyelvűeknek, rögtön szaftos pletykák kaptak szárnyra. Fürst-Borsos Ádám, a Tv2 kommunikációs menedzsere kisvártatva eloszlatta a félreértést és az Indexnek ugyanis azt nyilatkozta, hogy

„Influenzás megbetegedés tüneteit produkálva, lázasan ült be műsort vezetni a Tények stúdiójába. Reméljük, hogy a gyógyszeres kezelés mihamarabbi gyógyulást hoz nála”

Nagy kő eshet le a szívünkről! Nem egy rejtélyes kórral állunk szemben, ami bizonyos szakmákat pécéz ki magának, csak az a fránya túlhajszoltság fogott ki a TV2 hírolvasóján.



89 hozzászólás


  1. eclinjournals

    2024.11.27 12:40 at 12:40

    nice and quality thank you.eclinjournals

  2. eclinicalsci

    2024.11.28 07:57 at 07:57

    nice and quality thank you.eclinicalsci

  3. eclinicaljournals

    2024.11.28 10:02 at 10:02

    nice and quality thank you.eclinicaljournals

  4. journalres

    2024.11.28 11:30 at 11:30

    nice and quality thank you.journalres

  5. eclinicalinsight

    2024.11.28 12:54 at 12:54

    nice and quality thank you.eclinicalinsight

  6. eclinicalinsight

    2024.11.28 13:43 at 13:43

    nice and quality thank you.eclinicalinsight

  7. scholarcentral

    2024.11.29 08:35 at 08:35

    nice and quality thank you.scholarcentral

  8. emedicinejournals

    2024.11.29 11:42 at 11:42

    nice and quality thank you.emedicinejournals

  9. clinicalres

    2024.11.29 13:25 at 13:25

    nice and quality thank you.clinicalres

  10. emedicalscience

    2024.11.30 09:19 at 09:19

    nice and quality thank you.emedicalscience

  11. nanea

    2024.12.03 09:17 at 09:17

    nice and quality thank you.nanea

  12. neuroky

    2024.12.03 10:52 at 10:52

    nice and quality thank you.neuroky

  13. aldrovandiauto

    2024.12.03 17:46 at 17:46

    experience and quality thank you.aldrovandiauto

  14. autoscuolalebadie

    2024.12.03 19:13 at 19:13

    experience and quality thank you.autoscuolalebadie

  15. craldipendentiuslprato

    2024.12.03 20:38 at 20:38

    experience and quality thank you.craldipendentiuslprato

  16. projektorilamput

    2024.12.04 08:16 at 08:16

    nice and quality thank you.projektorilamput

  17. pslniemela

    2024.12.04 09:50 at 09:50

    nice and quality thank you.pslniemela

  18. psnry

    2024.12.04 11:21 at 11:21

    nice and quality thank you.psnry

  19. ezantia

    2024.12.04 17:08 at 17:08

    experience and quality thank you.ezantia

  20. giadaguidi

    2024.12.04 18:40 at 18:40

    experience and quality thank you.giadaguidi

  21. giannacapoti

    2024.12.04 20:31 at 20:31

    experience and quality thank you.giannacapoti

  22. rahaanopeasti

    2024.12.06 08:58 at 08:58

    nice and quality thank you.rahaanopeasti

  23. samsam

    2024.12.06 10:46 at 10:46

    nice and quality thank you.samsam

  24. sooli

    2024.12.06 12:21 at 12:21

    nice and quality thank you.sooli

  25. suzukibandit

    2024.12.06 13:59 at 13:59

    nice and quality thank you.suzukibandit

  26. takkatiimi

    2024.12.07 08:12 at 08:12

    nice and quality thank you.takkatiimi

  27. toyotavandergeest

    2024.12.07 12:27 at 12:27

    nice and quality thank you.toyotavandergeest

  28. infienile

    2024.12.08 11:52 at 11:52

    experience and quality thank you.infienile

  29. immstema

    2024.12.08 16:42 at 16:42

    experience and quality thank you.immstema

  30. wisesystems

    2024.12.08 18:09 at 18:09

    experience and quality thank you.wisesystems

  31. garageennour

    2024.12.09 09:57 at 09:57

    nice and quality thank you.garageennour

  32. garageennour

    2024.12.09 10:57 at 10:57

    nice and quality thank you.garageennour

  33. khalfallah-pneus

    2024.12.09 12:24 at 12:24

    nice and quality thank you.khalfallah-pneus

  34. khalfallahpneus

    2024.12.09 13:59 at 13:59

    nice and quality thank you.khalfallahpneus

  35. sages-tunisie

    2024.12.10 07:40 at 07:40

    nice and quality thank you.sages-tunisie

  36. mecanica

    2024.12.10 09:12 at 09:12

    nice and quality thank you.mecanica

  37. qmbtunisia

    2024.12.10 10:51 at 10:51

    nice and quality thank you.qmbtunisia

  38. sbsteel

    2024.12.10 12:45 at 12:45

    nice and quality thank you.sbsteel

  39. cma-eng

    2024.12.10 14:15 at 14:15

    nice and quality thank you.cma-eng

  40. codar-confection

    2024.12.11 09:22 at 09:22

    nice and quality thank you.codar-confection

  41. chouikha-big

    2024.12.11 10:52 at 10:52

    nice and quality thank you.chouikha-big

  42. thebestofcleveland

    2024.12.11 12:23 at 12:23

    nice and quality thank you.thebestofcleveland

  43. thebestofindianapolis

    2024.12.11 14:07 at 14:07

    nice and quality thank you.thebestofindianapolis

  44. thebestofmilwaukee

    2024.12.12 07:50 at 07:50

    nice and quality thank you.thebestofmilwaukee

  45. thebestofsaltlakecity

    2024.12.12 09:21 at 09:21

    nice and quality thank you.thebestofsaltlakecity

  46. van4holiday

    2024.12.12 17:18 at 17:18

    experience and quality thank you.van4holiday

  47. fagyhatar

    2024.12.12 18:45 at 18:45

    experience and quality thank you.fagyhatar

  48. morvayautosiskola

    2024.12.12 20:51 at 20:51

    experience and quality thank you.morvayautosiskola

  49. marathongranite

    2024.12.13 09:32 at 09:32

    nice and quality thank you.marathongranite

  50. marksmenmfg

    2024.12.13 11:02 at 11:02

    nice and quality thank you.marksmenmfg

  51. maritimecoverage

    2024.12.13 12:38 at 12:38

    nice and quality thank you.maritimecoverage

  52. tuttifotokft

    2024.12.13 16:59 at 16:59

    experience and quality thank you.tuttifotokft

  53. coolservice4u

    2024.12.13 18:34 at 18:34

    experience and quality thank you.coolservice4u

  54. martinsqualitytruckbody

    2024.12.16 07:05 at 07:05

    nice and quality thank you.martinsqualitytruckbody

  55. mazelsupply

    2024.12.16 09:01 at 09:01

    nice and quality thank you.mazelsupply

  56. mayoiltank

    2024.12.16 10:40 at 10:40

    nice and quality thank you.mayoiltank

  57. mcafeerealty

    2024.12.16 12:19 at 12:19

    nice and quality thank you.mcafeerealty

  58. matcoservice

    2024.12.16 14:48 at 14:48

    nice and quality thank you.matcoservice

  59. michaelalbert

    2024.12.17 07:18 at 07:18

    nice and quality thank you.michaelalbert

  60. michaelbenaltinc

    2024.12.17 08:44 at 08:44

    nice and quality thank you.michaelbenaltinc

  61. minicoindustries

    2024.12.17 10:55 at 10:55

    nice and quality thank you.minicoindustries

  62. monteleeper

    2024.12.17 12:23 at 12:23

    nice and quality thank you.monteleeper

  63. mostlymica

    2024.12.17 13:58 at 13:58

    nice and quality thank you.mostlymica

  64. igglesis

    2024.12.17 17:10 at 17:10

    experience and quality thank you.igglesis

  65. koulouritispolis

    2024.12.17 18:48 at 18:48

    experience and quality thank you.koulouritispolis

  66. baofoto

    2024.12.17 20:18 at 20:18

    experience and quality thank you.baofoto

  67. msgfeather

    2024.12.18 07:44 at 07:44

    nice and quality thank you.msgfeather

  68. mrcheapocds

    2024.12.18 09:19 at 09:19

    nice and quality thank you.mrcheapocds

  69. mrpickleinc

    2024.12.18 11:01 at 11:01

    nice and quality thank you.mrpickleinc

  70. msedpsoftware

    2024.12.18 12:31 at 12:31

    nice and quality thank you.msedpsoftware

  71. mrbrushes

    2024.12.18 14:03 at 14:03

    nice and quality thank you.mrbrushes

  72. gealcorp

    2024.12.18 17:04 at 17:04

    experience and quality thank you.gealcorp

  73. vernix

    2024.12.18 18:07 at 18:07

    experience and quality thank you.vernix

  74. mrbrushes

    2024.12.19 06:47 at 06:47

    nice and quality thank you.mrbrushes

  75. nativelandsmokeshop

    2024.12.19 08:18 at 08:18

    nice and quality thank you.nativelandsmokeshop

  76. nassausuffolkirrigation

    2024.12.19 09:51 at 09:51

    nice and quality thank you.nassausuffolkirrigation

  77. myguyappliance

    2024.12.19 11:22 at 11:22

    nice and quality thank you.myguyappliance

  78. mschwartzfeather

    2024.12.19 12:54 at 12:54

    nice and quality thank you.mschwartzfeather

  79. northsidedeliny

    2024.12.20 09:00 at 09:00

    nice and quality thank you.northsidedeliny

  80. norwestac

    2024.12.20 10:26 at 10:26

    nice and quality thank you.norwestac

  81. nsblueprinting

    2024.12.20 12:00 at 12:00

    nice and quality thank you.nsblueprinting

  82. nutecsystems

    2024.12.20 13:43 at 13:43

    nice and quality thank you.nutecsystems

  83. himalayanlounge

    2024.12.20 17:25 at 17:25

    experience and quality thank you.himalayanlounge

  84. catsol

    2024.12.20 19:01 at 19:01

    experience and quality thank you.catsol

  85. pilotexamssa

    2024.12.20 20:38 at 20:38

    experience and quality thank you.pilotexamssa

  86. olsonelectricnj

    2024.12.21 08:05 at 08:05

    nice and quality thank you.olsonelectricnj

  87. nycollisionking

    2024.12.21 09:38 at 09:38

    nice and quality thank you.nycollisionking

  88. nyfixcars

    2024.12.21 11:09 at 11:09

    nice and quality thank you.nyfixcars

  89. nygabe

    2024.12.21 13:00 at 13:00

    nice and quality thank you.nygabe

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