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A homoszexualitás kormánypárti démonizálása Perintfalvi Rita teológus szemével


Izgalmas bejegyzést tett közzé közösségi oldalán Perintfalvi Rita, a kormánymédia és különösen Bayer Zsolt által már többször keményen támadott katolikus teológus. Perintfalvi szinte minden megszólalásában kiáll az emberi jogok és különösen az LMBTQ közösség mellett, akiket a kereszténység eszméjére hivatkozva üldöz a magyar kormánykoalíció.

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Izgalmas bejegyzést tett közzé közösségi oldalán Perintfalvi Rita, a kormánymédia és különösen Bayer Zsolt által már többször keményen támadott katolikus teológus. Perintfalvi szinte minden megszólalásában kiáll az emberi jogok és különösen az LMBTQ közösség mellett, akiket a kereszténység eszméjére hivatkozva üldöz a magyar kormánykoalíció.

A Harrach-ügy

Nem mondom, hogy meglep az, hogy egyre több Fideszes és KDNP-s politikus körül robban ki olyan botrány, amelyekből az derül ki, hogy az illetők aktív és nyílt homofób megnyilvánulásai ill. az LMBT közösség politikai és jogi üldözése, illetve bűnözővé degradálása mögött saját elfojtott ill. titkolt homoszexualitásuk, esetleg a színfalak mögött ügyesen megjátszott kettős életük húzódik. Lezdődik a bejegyzés. Az mindenesetre tény, hogy nemrég éppen Harrach Péter KDNP-s politikusról került elő egy olyan ügynökakta, amit az Alfahír portál hozott le és ami az egykori papnövendék „homoszexuális problémáiról” ír. Az is tény, hogy Ungváry Krisztián történész véleménye szerint nincs okunk kételkedni a III/III-as akta hitelességében és szerinte Harrach esetében éppen az képezhette a besúgó rendszerben a zsarolás alapját, hogy olyan információval rendelkeztek az életvezetésével kapcsolatosan, amelyek az általa hirdetett elvekkel gyökeresen szemben álltak.

A Semlyén-doktrína

Azt ugye látjuk, hogy a KDNP gondolkodását a homoszexualitásról Semjén Zsolt plagizált teológia doktor, egyben a párt elnökének katolikus hagyománya határozza meg. Nemrég írtam egy verselemzést a pártelnök Jézusról szóló egyik „verse” (inkább csak firkálmánya) kapcsán, ami szerintem homoerotikus képeket tartalmazott. Ezzel nem állítottam azt, hogy Semjén helyettes-miniszterelnök meleg, de Bayer Zsolt mégis ezt a következtetést vonta le belőle, csak ő tudhatja a miértet. Bayer válaszul engem nevezett „látens homoskosnak”, majd egy Gajdics Otto nevű volt munkásőr még ennél is tovább ment, és egyenesen azt állította, hogy én vagyok „A teológus bőrébe bújt sátán”. No, ebből a hatalmas indulathullámból kénytelen voltam azt a következtetést levonni, hogy itt bizony belecsaphattam a lecsóba, azaz nem zörög a haraszt… vagyis ez a téma úgy tűnik, betalált. Mert fáj. No, és ezek után jött ki a hír Harrach Péterről.
Nekem fogalmam sincsen arról, hogy Harrach Péter KDNP-s politikus meleg-e vagy sem, volt-e valaha „homoszexuális probléma” vele, jelentsen ez bármit is. És egyébként ez nem is érdekelne, ha nem egy olyan politikus lenne, akinek pártja olyan politikai döntések mögött áll, amelyek az LMBT közösséget Magyarországon egyre reményvesztettebb léthelyzetbe kényszerítik. És kutatóként, a közbeszéd alakítójaként, a témát ismerőként persze nagyon érdekel a katolikus papok elfojtott homoszexualitásának témája, s ne feledjük, hogy Harrach Péter is kispap volt, csak a felszentelése előtt kilépett és hamarosan családot is alapított.

Cél az LMBTQ közösség dehumanizálása

Ez a téma azért fontos, mert bizony gyakran éppen ez az elfojtás, a saját homoszexualitásuk démonizálása viszi bele a katolikus – és más egyházakhoz tartozó – papokat abba, hogy tagadásban, a vágyaik elfojtásában éljenek le egy egész életét. Ami pedig alapja lehet annak, hogy ezt a lelki terhet, belső frusztrációt nem képesek hordozni és ezért az elfojtott indulatjaikat kifelé forgatják és gyermekeket vagy serdülőket bántalmaznak szexuálisan.
Bennem komolyan felmerül a kérdés, hogy azok az ún. kereszténydemokrata politikusok és az általuk fizetett csicskasajtó bértollforgatói vajon nem éppen azért homofóbok-e nyíltan, – azaz képesek a melegeket és az LMBT-közösség tagjait dehumanizálni, ellenük gyűlöletkampányt folytatni ill. Elvenni tőlük az alapvető emberi jogaikat-, mert amikor ezt teszik tulajdonképpen az öngyűlöletüknek adnak teret, csak éppen a gyűlölet pengéjét nem maguk ellen, hanem mások ellen fordítják? De valahol az egész alapja a saját meghasonlott pszichéjük, kettéhasadt tudatuk és öngyűlöletük.

Szájjer felszabadító lecsúszása

El sem tudom képzelni, hogy mit érezhet egy olyan politikus, mint pl. Szájer József, aki látszatéletet élt, mert nem vállalhatta fel a Fideszben a saját valódi vágyait, de közben rávették arra, hogy a melegek elleni politikai támadás egyik vezérfigurája legyen. Hogy volt képes valaki elviselni egy ilyen szintű meghasonlást? Hogy volt képes valaki így emberként létezni? Most komolyan az jutott az eszembe, hogy az a nap, amikor ott mászott az ereszen egy titkos és betiltott csoportos szexpartiról menekülve, ahol jó pár férfi mutatta meg neki, hogy mi is az, amire valójában vágyott, az egyszerre volt az ő politikai bukásának, de egyszerre a saját személyisége felszabadulásának is a napja! Hisz ez a nap azt jelentette számára, hogy vége a látszatéletnek, vége a hazudásnak!


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5 hozzászólás


  1. Veres László

    2021.12.08 16:05 at 16:05

    Nagyon örülök a cikk megjelenésének, de sajnos nagyon zavaróak az IGEN DURVA helyesírási hibák, melyek a bemásolt cikk tagolására szolgáló alcímekben találhatók:
    SemLYén-doktrína; SzáJJer felszabadító…. ;(ráadásul mindkét esetben a következő sorban olvasható helyesen a név, bár egy újságírónak ezek aligha ismeretlen szavak)
    Az utolsó alcím pedig nyilvánvalóan a szerzőRől szól, nem pedig a szerzőTől.
    (De sajnos a Ctrl C-Ctrl V sem igazán jól működött, mert a Wikipédiából beemelt ismertetőben a „2007 óta elnöke a Magyarországi Teológusnők Ökumenikus Egyesületének” mondatból a dátum kimaradt.)
    Szóval kedves szerkesztő(k), tiszteljék meg az olvasókat egy kis odafigyeléssel!
    További sikeres munkát, és békés karácsonyt kívánok!

  2. Flórián András

    2021.12.14 13:54 at 13:54

    1) A téma iránt érdeklődők figyelmébe ajánlom Frédéric Martel A Vatikán kínos titkai című könyvét.
    2) Választási sikereket napjainkban a populista politikusok érnek el. Ezektől nem remélhető hajlandóság a bázisukkal való frontális ütközésre. Ha a bázis homofób, a populista – legyen bár személy szerint homoszexuális – pirulás nélkül fog „buzi”-zni

  3. Pingback: Nekem fogalmam sincsen arról, hogy Harrach Péter KDNP-s politikus meleg-e vagy sem... - Északhírnök

  4. 12 week steroid cycle before and after

    2025.03.20 09:33 at 09:33

    You can improve biceps involvement on the bent-over row by utilizing an underhand grip and bringing your arms nearer collectively. Anticipate expert-backed exercises, vitamin recommendation, the most recent in power sports activities, and a complete lot of motivation heading your means. As an additional tip – to work your again maximally, I suggest pausing at the high of the movement for 1 or 2 full seconds. This is going to totally stimulate the rhomboids and the trapezius and prevent you from cheating and just going via the motions. They are nice worth, use shade allowing you to shortly see how much you’re lifting and the pattern will give your home gym a novel look. They can last a lifetime and permit you to do additional lifts which require you to drop the bar. If you want to try a workout that targets your again and biceps, take a look at this Pull Day Exercise .
    In Accordance to Pendlay, the exercise bearing his name is nothing greater than a strict barbell row, done with a inflexible torso that stays more or less parallel to the ground. This makes it extra of a lat-focused train than the traditional barbell row. As a common rule, it’s a good suggestion to incorporate some sort of rowing movement whenever you practice your back. Depending on the training program you’re using, that may typically be someplace between 1 and three times per week. The single-arm cable row enables you to get extra of a stretch in your lats, as properly as helping to iron out any imbalances that might exist between your left and right facet.
    They all permit for a full stretch, horizontal pull and peak contraction of the lats. If you need to get fancy along with your one arm dumbbell row alternate options, set up a landmine and provides this train a shot. Do you want to construct strong, highly effective back muscular tissues to enhance your posture and health club performance? The T-bar row is amongst the most popular horizontal pulling workouts, due to its spectacular capacity to fireside up multiple muscle groups inside your posterior chain. To carry out the seal row, you lie face down on a flat bench with the barbell beneath and row as you’d with a bent over barbell row. The nearer to the higher chest you row, the extra you will goal the upper back though not everyone will be in a position to easily perform this train depending on access to tools.
    Lower the weight back down in a controlled method, and repeat for the desired number of reps. The single-arm dumbbell row is a bent-over row various for the lats and biceps for bodybuilders and fitness center rats with restricted gear or decrease back issues. The single-arm dumbbell row is mainly another name for the one-arm dumbbell row. The inverted row is a safer various to the barbell row that additionally helps you construct core energy, as it’s a bodyweight exercise. The reverse grip row with a barbell is a bent-over row different that focuses on the lats for bodybuilders and powerlifters. It involves using an underhand grip versus an overhand grip when rowing.
    The landmine row (or T-bar row) is on our list of high three rows and is a perfect substitute for the cable row. Landmine rows afford a number of grip choices; thus, you can goal the identical muscular tissues as the seated row. You’ll must perform this exercise on a cable machine though you presumably can elicit similar outcomes when using a chest-supported t-bar row and keeping your elbows out broad.
    You can wrap a towel on all sides of the bar to make the grip mimic extra of a rope. This lets you goal the again muscular tissues to a greater degree by increasing range of movement throughout. Also, this exercise could be carried out with a snatch grip (wide grip) to get larger range of movement and goal the higher muscles of the again. For the purposes of this text I favor the dumbbells because it can be carried out by way of larger vary of motion to advertise complete back muscle activation. Too a lot excessive ahead lean can put unnecessary pressure on your decrease back.
    You can also get greater muscle activation by exaggerating the different phases of the lift. By reaching your shoulder ahead on the backside you will get a greater stretch, by throwing your elbow further back you will get higher lat activation. The banded row is a highly versatile banded exercise making it useful for any lifter’s training protocol. You can do that exercise with high reps and excessive units whereas causing minimal fatigue to the nervous system. Band Rows aren’t going to switch a One Arm Dumbbell Row for developing strength, however they can work great in a pinch if you’re touring. Even if you don’t have one thing sturdy you can attach the resistance band to, you can always wrap them around your ft if want be.
    When you row together with your chest on a bench, you’re isolating your upper back muscular tissues to do all of the work with out risking harm to your decrease back. Suitable for all ranges of exerciser – most lat pulldowns have a selectorized weight stack, making it easy to alter the weights. It doesn’t matter how strong (or how weak) you’re; you must be ready to do this train. In distinction, some body weight workouts are just too hard for many newbies. Pull-ups, that are done with an overhand grip, and chin-ups, which use an underhand grip, work the identical muscular tissues as pulldowns. However, instead of lifting precise weight, you have to carry your bodyweight.
    Certain workouts may also benefit from anchoring your resistance bands someplace. Generally you can connect them to objects that are already round the house. Hold in mind that implementing these options can provide benefits however like while utilizing any train gear, there’s all the time some threat of injury. Moreover, they require much less core activation, meaning less pressure on the lower again. You also can perform these with a chest assist, which takes much more pressure off the posterior chain. The major advantage of free weights is that they require more steadiness and management and, so, recruit stabilizer muscles.
    By using dumbbells instead of a barbell, all sides of the again is engaged independently, helping to right any imbalances and improve overall energy. Dumbbells target your muscle tissue from completely different angles than a barbell, however you’ll still get a fantastic again and lat workout. Variations like single-arm dumbbell rows assist you to balance the energy on your left and proper side.
    Different efficient alternatives embody T-bar rows, Pendlay rows, inverted rows, incline dumbbell rows, suspension trainer rows, Meadows rows, band rows, and lat pulldowns. These workouts could be performed with different equipment and supply unique advantages for muscle growth and strength. By incorporating these options into your workout routine, you’ll find a way to add variety and reduce the danger of injury while nonetheless successfully concentrating on the back muscles. Substitute bent-over rows in your workout with free-weight exercises like single-arm dumbbell rows and mendacity bench rows. To use machines to switch bent-over rows, add seated cable rows to your routine. For a body weight various to bent-over rows, try inverted rows or TRX rows. By combining a couple of these workouts into a exercise with wide-grip pull-ups, face-pulls, and decrease again extensions.
    It additionally helps you burn more calories, as you should use up more vitality. Kroc recommends contracting your shoulders on the top and letting your arm drop at the descent. Seal rows bring your body perfectly parallel to the ground, making it an excellent exercise to work on the thickness of the back. The barbell is saved in an elevated position to help the lifter concentrate on the concentric flexion without being concerned in regards to the eccentric phase. Anyone experiencing lower again pain should do this remarkable variation, because it completely eliminates the strain off the lumbar spine. With that said, most lifters begin to feel discomfort as they begin to carry heavier weights.
    Whereas both workout routines work the back, barbell rows goal the lats, higher back, rear delts and biceps, whereas the deadlift hits the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Engaging within the seated cable row train is helpful for focusing on your back muscles, notably your lats, whereas minimizing the risk of decrease back harm. If you favor to replace bent over rows with bodyweight workout routines, you can perform inverted rows (also often identified as Australian rows) or TRX rows. These workout routines have you ever work by pulling your body upward whilst you lean back, quite than lifting a weight from the bottom.
    Single-arm dumbbell rows are a wonderful various to the bent-over row, allowing you to target all sides of your back individually and improve energy and form. This exercise is perfect for those trying to swap up their routine or keep away from the strain that can come with traditional barbell rows. By isolating both sides of your back, you presumably can focus on developing balanced strength and symmetry. Not solely do single-arm dumbbell rows goal your again muscle tissue successfully, but they also interact your core and stabilizing muscles throughout the exercise. To reap the full benefits of this exercise, remember to keep proper type and focus on squeezing your back muscular tissues on the top of each rep. The eight seated cable row various exercises have provided you with lots of choices to get the identical advantages of the seated cable row in your house fitness center with nothing but barbells, dumbbells and bands.
    One Other benefit of free weights is that they typically final an extremely long time. One dumbbell can potentially enhance your workouts for many years and potentially even decades. If you just like the lower-back strengthening aspect of the rowing machine you are in a place to do something like a kettlebell swing or Romanian deadlifts, etc. To replace the cardio rowing machine you’ll be able to simply do a bent-over row with gentle weights at a fast speed. Some of the advantages of resistance bands are that they’re relatively cheap, straightforward to store, extraordinarily versatile, and really portable. The Hammer Power high-row machine is a unbelievable piece of fitness center tools to work the back.
    The reverse grip barbell row is recognized as top-of-the-line compound train movements you can carry out for creating thickness and energy in the back. It targets the decrease lats, back, and to a certain diploma, the biceps (bonus) and is seen as a wonderful T bar row various. A chest-supported machine row is a wonderful bent-over barbell row different for those wanting to isolate their again and cut back the amount of pressure on the lower again. Since you’re in an upright position along with your butt and chest supported in opposition to a pad, there’s little to no stress on the lumbar spine.
    Like the t-bar row when you wouldn’t have entry to a landmine a corner between walls may work however bear in mind this may scratch your walls. Emma is a Well Being Science graduate, certified private coach, and author. She has over ten years of experience in the well being, neighborhood development, and communications sectors. She is passionate about making respected details about health, health, and resistance training accessible to all. Here’s a useful video from BuiltLean demonstrating the proper kind for dumbbell renegade rows. Not Like the conventional row, the place the bar stays off the bottom throughout the set, the Pendlay row entails resting the barbell briefly on the ground between every rep. One of the things that stimulates growth in a muscle is subjecting it to excessive ranges of tension at lengthy muscle lengths, a phenomenon known as stretch-mediated hypertrophy.
    These exercises will permit you to build back thickness without having to spend lots of of dollars on expensive tools. By together with movements like single-arm dumbbell rows, seated cable rows, and inverted rows, you’ll have interaction totally different muscle groups, promote balanced strength, and scale back the danger of overuse injuries. Inverted body weight rows are a great different to bent-over barbell rows because they aim the identical muscle groups without straining the lower again. You can do inverted bodyweight rows anywhere you can find a secure horizontal bar.
    Supplementing the bent-over row with these alternatives may help you work out specific back muscular tissues. They may not incorporate as many muscle groups as the bent-over row, permitting you to perform extra reps in a set without fatigue. As the name suggests, the facility rack row is carried out utilizing a barbell and an influence rack. Energy athletes and advanced lifters normally incorporate power rack row to develop monstrous pulling strength. A Number Of grips can be utilized to carry out the bent-over row, everything from the overhand grips to underhand grips. I suggest utilizing the overhand grip because it takes stress off the wrists and forearms, particularly for individuals who are new to weight coaching.
    They start rocking and rolling their whole physique to try to get their chest up to the bar. Keep a rigid body posture and proceed pulling your self as high as you can every rep. No, the bent-over barbell row can put stress on the decrease back and may not be appropriate for everybody.
    Nonetheless, because you don’t have to help the burden of your head and higher physique, it’s nonetheless so much simpler on your decrease again than the barbell row. With the inverted row, you perform a rowing motion whereas hanging from a suspension coach, gymnastic rings or maybe a barbell supported on a power rack. If wide-grip pull-ups are very troublesome for you, you presumably can substitute this exercise with lat pulldowns. The kind could be very similar and both exercises work the same muscle teams.
    The Pendlay row is somewhat much like the traditional barbell row however with a stricter approach needed to pull it off. The row also engages the rhomboids, trapezius, and rear deltoids, which play a significant position in retracting and stabilizing the shoulder blades. If you wrestle together with your stability, space your ft out wider for a more secure base. Protect your spine by keeping your gaze straight down between your hands and your chin tucked barely. The slower, more controlled lifting velocity makes the regular barbell row better suited to people wanting a bigger, extra muscular back. The inverted row is often accomplished with a suspension coach or gymnastic rings.
    If you need to do an at-home version of the cardio rowing exercise without a machine you’ll need resistance bands, a resistance band anchor someplace low, and something with wheels to sit on. Of course, a few of these actions are higher for development if carried out in a lower rep range. That said, they’re perfectly suitable for maximizing rigidity on the upper back and middle back. You can perform this row sitting on the ground or a bench, or even upright.


  5. I want to use a coaching 1-rep max as a result of I want to ensure the number is low sufficient to offer a suitable number to begin with on this powerlifting coaching program. Typically, trainees start too heavy on a program which leaves them nowhere to go. That being, you’re not straining so exhausting you’re popping blood vessels; you’re merely in search of an approximate number.
    That being said, within the early levels of training, I suppose it’s necessary to stick to uncooked lifting. Spend time creating form/technique, benefit from newbie positive aspects, and get used to the competitors atmosphere. Then, after two to a few years of consistent coaching, if powerlifting gear is something you’re excited about attempting, go for it. Even when you determine to not use it in competition, it can be an excellent device to incorporate into your training. With the primary workout routines covered, it’s time to get into the powerlifting packages themselves. Here’s a basic 3-day per week program specializing in the squat, bench press, and deadlift, with accent work to strengthen supporting muscular tissues. The main purpose of this day in your powerlifting program is merely to get in some high-volume work.
    All disciplines of powerlifting are performed carrying a federation-approved singlet. Child powder can additionally be generally used throughout deadlifts to scale back friction whereas the barbell drags alongside the legs. The bench press is the second raise performed throughout a powerlifting competitors. The bench press is among the most technically demanding workout routines, and tons of athletes wrestle to grasp the carry. Athletes typically select considered one of three hand positions when organising their bench press.
    Powerlifting training has been shown to extend bone density mass, which reduces your threat of osteoporosis and bone fractures. This is particularly important for older individuals, as nicely as athletes involved in touch sports activities. I’ve seen people start powerlifting and fail to succeed in their potential because they didn’t have correct recommendation. And I Have also seen individuals who, in a really short time, turn into extremely sturdy in the sport as a outcome of that they had the proper start. We supply all of the gear you need, whether you are a novice or a aggressive energy athlete.
    Nevertheless, a powerlifting program may be helpful for the general inhabitants. There are plenty of lengthy rest breaks in powerlifting workouts, which you’ll must carry near-maximal masses for reps. The lifts have to be done with strict guidelines round type, with three judges scoring every try. The powerlifting bench press recruits not only the chest, shoulders, and triceps but the entire upper and decrease back, hips, and legs.
    Choose a weight class by which you’re feeling most comfortable and concentrate on breaking your own personal records. Lastly, Sonita Muluh had to wrap up her performance on the deadlifts. Her objective was to pull 265 kilograms (584.2 pounds), as that would enable her to chip the Total report. So, on her second try, Sonita loaded the load and came out to make history. She achieved the carry with outstanding ease, deciding to not go for her last attempt. Competitive powerlifters work onerous to increase the maximum amount of weight they will raise for each of those actions. In competitions, they’ve three tries to efficiently carry a pre-chosen quantity of weight using each carry.
    At Present, I’ll information you through a four-day split method designed to assist you peak successfully and maximize your potential. If you do not determine to compete in powerlifting, the ideas still have wide-reaching benefits, which many people find information their fitness center coaching sessions. For many people who find themselves involved in sports activities in high school and university who liked to coach and compete, there are few alternatives as an grownup to proceed such actions. These people flip to powerlifting as a approach to proceed getting stronger and gasoline their competitive desires. Equipped powerlifting is a more advanced type of lifting where athletes put on strengthened fits that support the joints and muscle tissue extra than just lifting in a basic singlet. Powerlifters goal to reduce back the range of movement that the barbell travels as much as potential. Take a take a glance at my article on How Is Powerlifting Scored to learn the way powerlifters are ranked within their age/bodyweight category.


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